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项目 & 课程/ TP课程



AEI offers the following Test Preparation courses for those who are preparing to enter colleges or graduate 在美国的项目. 这个每周22小时的学术课程 includes classroom instruction as well as instructor guided and evaluated 强制性的实验室工作项目和任务.

我们所有的学生都在 考试准备课程是非母语人士. 这意味着,特别是对于 graduate tests, that in addition to primarily teaching test skills and knowledge, in many cases it is desirable and best to review, strengthen, and further develop test-related foundational English language and associated 思维能力. In addition, basic English-language test-related concepts and vocabulary that are assumed for the native speaker often cannot be for the 母语非英语的人.

学生必须单独 apply to the Test Preparation Program with the following prerequisites:

       ·      成功的 completion of all eight levels of AEI Intensive English Program, OR

       ·      得分高于 在AEI的分班测试中达到7级

       ·      通过了 英语专业执照考试

       ·      学生必须做好计划 to take the test(s) associated with the course s to which they are applying and matriculate into a school which requires such test (s), etc.

所有备考课程 是否具有特定学习成果的进步性. 具体来说,我们的项目 包括以下课程:


GMAT(研究生 管理入学考试):

一个更高级的 English proficiency test required by many colleges before taking advanced, graduate-level courses. This focuses on the test itself as well as test-taking skills and understanding, 特别是:句子更正, 阅读理解, 批判性推理, 分析性写作, 综合推理. 

o   GMAT Verbal I
This is the first of two GMAT preparation courses developed to prepare the student for success on the Verbal Section of the GMAT exam. The course stresses the mastery of principles required in order to learn the skills necessary for successes, 包括阅读理解, 一篇论点论文写作分析, recognition of the proper grammatical requirements for Sentence Correction, 以及综合推理的基础知识.

o   GMAT Verbal II
The second GMAT Verbal course involves extensive use of and practice with the principles taught in GMAT Verbal I. These include ample Writing practice under the time conditions of various parts of the writing portions of the test, applying test strategies for 阅读理解, and answering actual GMAT Verbal type questions relating to Sentence Correction. The course will also instruct the student on the required skills needed to answer any type question on the Integrated Reasoning part of the GMAT test. The student will also take several GMAT Verbal practice tests for diagnosis of progress and improvement of scores on the actual test.

o   GMAT数学I
This is the first of two GMAT prep courses developed to prepare the student to be successful on the Math Section of the GMAT exam. 这门课程包含了这些原则, 属性, 算术的定理和公设, 几何, 代数, 和数值系统. The student will use this information to solve problems and become prepared to enter GMAT数学II.

o   GMAT数学II
The second GMAT preparation course in the Math series includes extensive practice with the principles, 属性, 算术的定理和公设, 几何, 代数, 以及在GMAT数学I中所学的数值系统. The student will also have the opportunity to take several GMAT Math practice tests for diagnosis of progress and improvement of scores on the actual test.


GRE(研究生成绩) 考试):

类似于 GMAT, this is an alternate exam required by some universities and colleges for 进入他们的高等教育项目. 而内容是在一些 cases similar and in some cases substantially different, the format of these courses is roughly analogous to those of the GMAT courses described above.

o   为GRE®考试做口头考试准备
This is the first of two AEI’s Prep Course for the GRE® revised General Test developed to prepare the student to be successful on the Verbal Section of the GRE exam. The GRE® course encapsulates the principles that are required in order to learn the skills necessary for success.

The course covers the principles of 阅读理解, Essay Writing involving an Analysis of an Issue and an Analysis on an Argument topic, 和句子语法与单词识别.

o   为GRE®考试做准备
This is the second of two GRE courses developed to prepare the student for success on the Verbal Section of the GRE® exam. The course includes extensive use of the principles taught in the Verbal I Test Preparation for the GRE® exam. The course gives ample practice to help master the time conditions required to do the various parts of the writing portion of the test. The 阅读理解 part of the course will entail all the strategies learned in the Verbal I Test Preparation for the GRE® exam in solving Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence type questions. The student will also do several GRE® Verbal practice tests to gauge progress and improve scores on the actual test.

o   GRE数学I考试准备GRE®考试
This is the first of two GRE® prep courses that was developed to prepare the student to be successful on the Math Section of the GRE® exam. 这门课程包含了这些原则, 属性, 算术的定理和公设, 几何, 代数, 和数值系统. The student will use this information to solve problems and become prepared to enter AEI’S Prep Course II for the GRE® exam.

o   GRE数学II考试准备GRE®考试
This is the second of two courses developed to prepare the students to be successful on the Math Section of the GRE® exam. The course encompasses the topics in Math that use the principles, 属性, theorems and postulates taught in the AEI’S Prep Course II for the GRE® exam. The student will also have the opportunity to take several GRE® Math practice tests to gauge progress and improve scores on the actual test.

项目 & 课程概述
